Develop our talents

2 284


in 5 continents

54 % in Europe

29% in Asia, Africa and Océania

17% in North and South America

34,7% of women in our staff

21h of training per employee (average)

Guarantee the safety of our collaborators

The safety of the people in their working environment is a priority issue for the Group

The frequency rate is a key performance indicator for us and monitored on a monthly basis in our production sites.

Pursuing our “zero accident” goal, the Group Chargeurs is focused to improve continuously the safety in its sites.  

In all our industrial assets, efforts are made to achieve our ambitions with a strong involvement of the managers.

Logo Chargeurs

Develop a shared culture of safety, in particular during one day : the Global Safety Day


The fixed specific to Chargeurs Safety Day has marked the reinforcement of the Group policy in terms of risk prevention. Designed to mobilize the attention of all, this day dedicated to awareness invite all BU and departments to review the procedures, to update the awarenbss levess of all personnel, and to promote the safety culture following the “Bradley trend”.

The  goal: make each person feel accountable of our continuous improvement

Feedback: the example of Senfa

The team of Senfa is now owning this day as it contributes to improve the overall efficiency of the teams. 

A multi-disciplinary team (QHSE, production, communication, HR, leadership) is in charge of the project to ensure the involvment of all departments.

This team has developed quiz, individual meeting, a tresor hunt with site-specific themes…