The transparent mask revolution

Ultra-comfortable, ultra-filtered and entirely transparent: this is what Lainière SantéTM’s inclusive, premium-range mask promises.

The transparent and reusable masks feature a washable, anti-fog and anti-projection “window”, made with Lainière SantéTM technical composites. Their design is crafted by thermobonding interlining techniques, the first of its kind on the market.

Interlining is a technique that coats the fabric used for the mask’s hem, which is essential for both hold and structure. It is the only technical fabric used to make this mask. Thermobonding is generally used on the fabric between the mask’s lining and its exterior layer. A trailblazer in the textile industry, Chargeurs makes innovation the central focus of its growth strategy. The Group owes its reputation to its expertise in developing cutting-edge products. Whether it’s textured polyester, 40-gauge interlining fabrics ideally suited to the very light satin and voile garments that are currently on trend, or more recently, its eco-friendly Sustainable Fifty interlinings, all have been huge hits!

By applying thermobonding to the transparent part of the mask, Chargeurs’ inclusive masks are a step forward in ensuring both comfort and protection. They replace stitching at the connecting area between the transparent strip and the fabric, which makes the masks completely waterproof. Lightness and ease of use were a top priority for the Group’s designers.

The Lainière SantéTM inclusive masks make everyday living easier for people who are Deaf or hearing impaired, as well as for professionals whose work depends on clear verbal communication, such speech therapists and teachers. They are also for anyone who would like to clearly see facial expressions again, so as not to lose any of the subtleties or nuances of verbal communication. This Lainière SantéTM innovation reflects Chargeurs’ conviction to deliver a unique customer experience, as well as to improve consumers’ everyday lives by leveraging the Group’s industrial excellence.

Angèle Malâtre-Lasanc’s point of view : Our patients drive innovation

Angèle Malâtre-Lansac is the Associate Director Healthcare Policy at Institut Montaigne. Her policy aims at bringing together all healthcare stakeholders, including professionals, patients, industrial groups, researchers, experts, senior officials, policymakers and care providers. Its ultimate goal is to review, plan, benchmark and make recommendations with a view to shaking the status quo within the French healthcare system by drawing inspiration from best practices observed in France and abroad.

Covid-19 has highlighted both the strengths and weaknesses of our health systems. In all OECD countries, the increase in chronic illnesses, as well as an ageing population and technological developments, challenge the sustainability of our current systems. Healthcare spending continues to rise (17% of GDP in the United States, 12% in France), but patient value-based healthcare does not seem to be keeping pace: medical deserts are on the rise, innovation is growing scarier, healthcare is not adequately personalized, and preventive measures are few and far between. If spending is increasing with little or no added value, it is because spending is not well-oriented. Furthermore, we are not properly incentivizing healthcare stakeholders. Studies show that nearly 30% of healthcare spending is ineffective or even harmful, while the majority of patients still have only limited access to the latest medical innovations.

The key issue is: how do we undergo a paradigm shift to ensure our healthcare systems provide incentives to develop value-based healthcare and avoid needless initiatives and inefficiency? As we face this unprecedented health crisis, now more than ever, we must focus our efforts and spending on quality healthcare and innovation. We must stop paying stakeholders based on quantity. Quality, and thus performance, must come first.

The good news is that we now have accurate data to assess healthcare stakeholder value creation. In addition, by developing artificial intelligence, we now have the resources to interpret this data. Value-based healthcare is enabled by directly collecting real-life patient data. For instance, after surgery, have you ever been asked if everything went as you expected? If you were happy with your quality of life? How this “experience” affected you? This data is what we call Patient Reported Outcomes (PROMs) and Patient Reported Experiences (PREMs). They feed the core of healthcare and innovation quality assessment. They also offer a benchmark to verify that each healthcare stakeholder creates value for patients.

Health data, whether clinical, genomic, from connected objects, mobile applications, PROMs or PREMs, must be the top priority of health system management. This data will enable us to incentivize higher-quality stakeholders. It will also produce a more agile assessment of innovation, foster stakeholder collaboration and provide patients with the required information to make informed healthcare decisions based on their unique needs and preferences.

It is crucial to put patients at the forefront of our healthcare system!”

Reading suggestion: The Passion Economy by Adam Davidson

Adam Davidson is an American journalist focusing on business and economics. He writes for The New Yorker, The New York Times and is the co-host of Planet Money, a co-production between NPR News and This American Life

In The Passion Economy, the talented storyteller Adam Davidson focuses on the transformative relationship between employees and their jobs in the 21st century. While the previous century’s economy was defined by a “mass economy”, which required strict conformity, Adam Davidson advocates for a “passion economy” that reflects this new era in which profit and passion are inextricably linked. In particular, he examines the case of small and medium businesses whose survival depends on a well-founded growth strategy. Those companies must adapt to new business models, which are formed around individuals and their passions.

There are eight ground rules of the passion economy:

          Rule #1: Pursue intimacy at scale

          Rule #2: Only create value that can’t be easily copied

          Rule #3: The price you charge should match the value you provide

          Rule #4: Fewer passionate customers are better than a lot of indifferent ones

          Rule #5: Passion is a story

          Rule #6: Technology should always support your business, not drive it

          Rule #7: Know what business you’re in. And it’s probably not what you think

          Rule #8: Never be in the commodity business, even if you sell what other people consider a commodity

The book is wholly inspiring, and will help you think differently about management. It highlights the concepts of intimacy and personal expression, which had been cast aside by the mass economy. 

Our employees: committed to innovation

Silver thread: Innovation & Design for progress”, Thomas Becker, Senior Director Innovation & Design at Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies

“Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies is a world leader in silver thread expertise. Silver-based fibers and yarns are especially unique in terms of the benefits they provide to textile products. These revolutionary materials offer an expansive array of biomedical attributes to help keep our lives healthy, repair injury, improve performance, and can help preserve and make the planet a greener ecosystem.

For example, silver yarns, when applied in different ratios of knitted or woven material, can kill bacteria and fungi on contact. This reduces the risk of transmission of certain infections and diseases. By reducing the amount of bacteria and fungi from the surface of apparel, bedding, footwear, drapery and home decor material for example – the amount of residual odors is also negated. This helps prolong consumer product use and lowers the carbon footprint left behind from washing or dry-cleaning cycles. Additionally, this type of yarn reduces the amount of dye stuff needed in the production process to achieve the desired colorways designers choose. Less dye stuff dramatically improves the sustainability ring within the fashion industries.

In summary, introducing, designing, designing and bring to the market products that utilize silver-based textiles have been a milestone in the fashion, industrial, and commercial industries. The advancements have helped sustain not only the human body but the earth.”

“Using the antimicrobial film as a barrier against germs and bacteria”, Jean-Loup Masson, Innovation, Marketing and Digital Director at Novacel

“Stopping all surface-contact contamination—this was the challenge that Novacel, a Chargeurs group subsidiary, decided to take on by developing temporary antimicrobial adhesive film in its R&D lab using silver ions. The ions are stored in the film and/or adhesive and disrupt the cellular functions of bacterial proteins. This mechanism helps to prevent the spread of a wide range of disease-causing bacteria, viruses and other germs.

An independent bacteriology lab confirmed the efficacy of CleanTouch films, observing 99.99% bacteria elimination. Thanks to the films’ powerful, quick-acting and consistent antibacterial mechanism, they are simple, reusable and sustainable option that meets urgent health and hygiene needs.

CleanTouch films can be used in all places with strict sanitary protocol, such as restaurants, recreational spaces, retailers, companies, communal living spaces, hospitals, or even in the agri-food industry. Novacel’s teams are also in the process of fine-tuning this technology, with the goal of adapting it to larger-scale protective uses beyond microbial films. When the technology works, the key is knowing how to innovate without sacrificing its simplicity!”

Innovation: Our amazing stories

Lainière SantéTM X Maje: style and safety at all times

Safety and style unite: Lainière SantéTM and Maje have joined forces to create barrier masks, which not only meet the performance specifications set by AFNOR (French association for standardization) and ANSM (French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety), but also add a touch of fanciful elegance. The fashion brand’s designers made three exclusive prints for Lainière SantéTM. The idea was to produce a look that could be stylishly tailored to each and every individual.

As masks are now required almost everywhere, Chargeurs’ research teams have developed protective masks using ultra-comfortable, ultra-filtered and ultra-breathable fabric. With three protective layers, the masks can be washed up to 20 times thanks to their antibacterial and water-repellent treatment.

Available online at, masks can now be much more than just protective. Lainière SantéTM X Maje are now a must-have fashion statement. Once you try it on, you’ll never want to take it off!

In a show of commitment and solidarity, Chargeurs donates personal protective equipment

After quickly streamlining production lines, Chargeurs has decided to donate more than 10,000 liters of hand sanitizer, as well as masks and lab coats, to healthcare workers. The Group has also provided health products to vulnerable nursing home residents, as well as the Emmaüs France association, the Œuvre de Secours aux Enfants humanitarian organization, the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation, the Orphépolis institution and many more. The donations serve as a reminder of the vital role played by companies in addressing the health crisis. Moreover, they are a testimonials to the Group’s commitment and solidarity towards citizens who are most at risk.

This advocacy is a key component of Chargeurs’ corporate identity. In the midst of the crisis, Chargeurs has also taken the initiative to invest €10 million in an effort to guarantee the independence of its main locations (France, the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland) from a health standpoint. Through its investments and its employees’ unwavering commitment, the Group has successfully strengthened its locations’ health sovereignty, an issue that has now become strategic.

Our vision of Innovation

Joëlle Fabre-Hoffmeister, Group General Secretary, shares her vision of innovation at Chargeurs: 

“The cult of innovation is so strong in our society today that no one would dare utter a word against it. Yet, like for many buzzwords, we would benefit from examining it in more detail: what exactly do we mean by “innovation”? What does it mean to “innovate”? The word stems from the Latin novare (“to change, make new”), preceded by the prefix in-, which indicates inward movement. There is nothing technical about this definition. It does, however, pave the way to new approaches to dissecting commonplace notions. For most of us, though, innovation goes hand in hand with scientific research, artificial intelligence and technical advances.

The reality is that innovation affects all aspects of life, and especially the workplace. It calls on us to think “outside the box” to design the next steps to take. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it for each and every one of us. Now is the time for us to capitalize on the new normal in our everyday activities. Some books perfectly illustrate this new approach. Among my most recent discoveries, I would recommend The Passion Economy by Adam Davidson. It showcases the success stories of entrepreneurs who radically have changed career and life plans, and who have dared to take a different approach from their first few years in the workforce. Their secret? Pursuing their passions; doing what they do best and working at it to create as much added value as possible. Getting to the very essence of who they are by challenging the status quo. Davidson offers an inspiring testimony, and one we could use to reevaluate our longstanding managerial models. What if we gave our employees the opportunity to truly drive change? Rather than presenting them with an inevitable responsibility to shoulder, could we show them the door to the future, where their role is pivotal? Perhaps managerial innovation is the next workplace revolution. It must be strongly encouraged as we seek to help ease our organizations and unleash creativity, a rich source of innovation.”


Notre vision de l’innovation

Joëlle Fabre-Hoffmeister, Secrétaire Générale du groupe Chargeurs, nous livre sa vision de l’innovation au sein du Groupe: 

« Le culte de l’innovation est si fort dans nos sociétés que personne n’imaginerait prononcer un mot contre le concept. Mais comme beaucoup de notions très utilisées, celle d’innovation gagnerait à être questionnée : qu’entend-on véritablement par innovation ? que signifie vraiment innover ? L’étymologie latine nous renvoie à « changer, nouveau », précédé du préfixe « in », qui indique un mouvement vers l’intérieur. Rien de technique donc dans cette définition, qui ouvre résolument vers une nouvelle façon de considérer les évidences. Pourtant, innovation rime beaucoup, pour la plupart d’entre nous, avec recherche scientifique, intelligence artificielle, découverte technique…

L’innovation concerne en fait tous les domaines de la vie, notamment professionnelle, et appelle à penser « out of the box » pour envisager les étapes à venir. La pandémie du Covid 19 ayant bouleversé tous nos repères, c’est une formidable opportunité qui s’offre à nous de lui faire une place dans toutes nos pratiques. Certains ouvrages illustrent parfaitement cette voie. Parmi les lectures récentes que je recommanderais, « The Passion Economy » par Adam Davidson, explore des expériences réussies d’entrepreneurs qui ont changé radicalement de projet professionnel, et de vie, pour avoir osé changer d’approche par rapport à leur premières années professionnelles. Leur secret ? Oser donner la parole à leur passion, à ce qu’ils savaient le mieux faire, et travailler pour en extraire la valeur ajoutée, la « substantifique moëlle », en challengeant les idées les mieux installées. 

Un témoignage inspirant, qui pourrait nous conduire à revoir notre traditionnel modèle managérial : et si nous offrions à nos salariés de vraies occasions de contribuer au changement ? Si nous ne leur présentions pas celui-ci comme un inévitable à assumer, mais plutôt comme une voie d’avenir où ils ont un rôle clé à jouer ? L’innovation managériale, c’est peut-être la prochaine révolution du travail, à encourager fortement pour dégripper nos organisations, et libérer l’énergie créatrice, source féconde d’innovation. »

Innovation: Histoires remarquables

Lainière SantéTM X Maje : style et sécurité en toutes circonstances

Allier sécurité et style est désormais possible. Grâce à un partenariat entre Lainière SantéTM et Maje, les masques barrière répondent non seulement aux critères de performance définis par l’AFNOR et l’ANSM, mais offrent également une touche de fantaisie et d’élégance. Les designers de la marque de mode ont réalisé 3 imprimés exclusifs pour Lainière SantéTM, afin d’accessoiriser avec style les tenues de chacune et chacun d’entre nous.

Le port du masque étant une nouvelle habitude à prendre, les équipes de recherche de Chargeurs ont mis au point des masques de protection en tissus très agréables, ultra filtrants et respirables. Avec trois couches protectrices et un traitement antibactérien et hydrophobe, ils sont lavables jusqu’à 20 fois.

En ligne sur, ils ne sont toutefois plus seulement un simple geste de protection. Les masques Lainière SantéTM X Maje deviennent un réel accessoire de mode indispensable au quotidien. L’essayer, c’est l’adopter !

Engagé et solidaire, Chargeurs donne des équipements de protection sanitaire

Après avoir rapidement adapté ses lignes de production, Chargeurs a souhaité faire don de plus de 10 000 litres de gel hydroalcooliques, des masques et blouses aux professionnels de santé. Des dons en produits sanitaires ont également été faits aux plus vulnérables dans les Ephad, à Emmaüs France, à l’Œuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE), aux Apprentis d’Auteuil, à Orphépolis, etc. Ces dons rappellent le rôle essentiel que jouent les entreprises dans la réponse à apporter à la crise sanitaire et témoignent de l’engagement et de la solidarité du Groupe envers les citoyens les plus exposés.

Cette mobilisation engagée fait partie intégrante de l’ADN de Chargeurs. Au cœur de la crise sanitaire, Chargeurs a également pris l’initiative d’investir 10 millions d’euros pour contribuer à l’indépendance sanitaire de ses grands pays d’implantation : France, Etats-Unis, Royaume-Uni et Suisse. Le Groupe contribue, par ses investissements et l’engagement sans faille de ses collaborateurs, à renforcer la souveraineté sanitaire, devenue aujourd’hui stratégique.

La révolution des masques transparents

Ultrafiltrant, confortable et transparent : c’est la promesse du nouveau masque inclusif haut de gamme de Lainière SantéTM

Ces masques, transparents et réutilisables, sont composés d’une fenêtre anti-projection et anti-buée lavable et sont fabriqués à base de complexes techniques de la marque Lainière SantéTM. Au cœur de leur conception, réside une innovation sans pareille : la technique de l’entoilage thermocollant.

Dans les coulisses du vêtement, cette technique, qui consiste à fabriquer des tissus enduits, est incontournable. L’entoilage est le seul tissu technique du vêtement, indispensable pour lui donner tenue et structure. Il est généralement thermocollé sur le tissu entre la doublure du vêtement et le tissu extérieur. Pionnier dans le domaine de l’innovation textile, Chargeurs place l’innovation au cœur de sa stratégie de développement. Cette capacité à développer des produits d’avant-garde, tels que les polyesters texturés, les entoilages en jauge 40, qui, extraordinairement fins et légers, s’adaptent parfaitement aux satins et aux voiles de la confection féminine, ou encore, plus récemment, les entoilages écoresponsables Sustainable Fifty, a construit sa notoriété.

En appliquant le thermocollage à la bande transparente, les masques inclusifs Chargeurs constituent une réelle avancée garantissant sécurité et confort. Ils évitent une confection par couture à l’interface entre la bande transparente et le textile pour garantir l’étanchéité des masques. Leur légèreté et leur ergonomie ont été particulièrement étudiées et soignées par les couturiers du Groupe.

Les masques inclusifs Lainière SantéTM facilitent la vie des personnes sourdes ou malentendantes et des professionnels pour qui la communication verbale est essentielle, comme les orthophonistes ou les professeurs des écoles, mais pas seulement. Ils s’adressent à toute personne souhaitant retrouver les expressions du visage, redonnant aux messages exprimés toute leur profondeur et leurs nuances. Cette innovation mise au point par Lainière SantéTM s’inscrit dans la volonté du Groupe d’offrir des expériences clients uniques et d’améliorer le quotidien de ses clients en s’appuyant sur son excellence industrielle.

Suggestion de lecture: The passion Economy, Adam Davidson

Adam Davidson est un journaliste américain, spécialiste des sujets économiques. Il est contributeur du New Yorker, du New York Times, et de Planet Money, une co-production de la National Public Radio et de This American Life

Talentueux raconteur d’histoires, dans The Passion Economy, Adam Davidson revient sur les changements de la relation entre les employés et leur travail au 21ème siècle. Alors que l’économie du siècle passé se caractérise par une « économie de masse » où la conformité au travail attendu était de rigueur, Adam Davidson préconise une « économie de la passion », adaptée à notre nouvelle ère, où travail et personnalisation sont intimement liés. Il s’intéresse particulièrement aux petites et moyennes entreprises pour lesquelles avoir une stratégie de développement forte est cruciale à leur survie. Ces dernières doivent aussi s’adapter aux nouveaux modèles économiques créés autour des individus et de leurs passions.

Huit règles fondent l’économie de la passion :

          Règle n°1 : Poursuivez l’intimité à grande échelle

          Règle n°2 : Ne créez que des produits qui ne peuvent pas facilement être copiés

          Règle n°3 : Le prix que vous demandez doit correspondre à la valeur que vous offrez

          Règle n°4 : Quelques clients passionnés valent mieux que beaucoup de clients indifférents

          Règle n°5 : La passion, ça commence par une histoire

          Règle n°6 : La technologie doit soutenir votre entreprise, pas la diriger

          Règle n°7 : Sachez où est vraiment votre valeur. Peut-être pas là où vous le pensez

          Règle n°8 : Ne vendez pas des marchandises interchangeables, même si d’autres pourraient voir votre produit ainsi


Inspirant, ce livre vous donnera les clés pour penser différemment le management, mettant en valeur les concepts d’intimité et de personnalisation que l’économie de masse avait écartés.