2019 annual revenue up +9.2 % excellent prospects for 2020

In 2019 Chargeurs speeded up its transformation process and pursued its premiumization strategy

Sustained activity in 2019 – a vintage year for transition:

  • Annual revenue up + 9.2% to €626.2 millionAnnual revenue up +9.2% to €626.2 million
  • Recurring operating profit among the Group’s record highs, topping €41 million, despite a peak in investments and a volatile economic backdrop
  • Solid fourth-quarter revenue in line with expectations, with the Group holding firm in a temporary “wait-and-see” market environment
  • Successful integration of PCC, which delivered an excellent performance, as well as the niche champions acquired by Chargeurs Museum Solutions

2020 set to be a milestone year, with over €750 million in revenue and a higher recurring operating margin (based on a constant operating environment)

  • Sizeable contribution expected from Chargeurs Protective Films’ new techno smart production line
  • Positive effects from synergies and cutting-edge developments at Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies
  • Significant contribution from Chargeurs Museum Solutions entities
  • Recurring operating margin expected to increase considerably in 2020 thanks to return on investment from the Game Changer plan and recently-acquired companies

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Chargeurs creates the new world champion in museum services

Chargeurs Group announces the signing of an agreement for a major strategic acquisition in the museum services sector in the United States

The coming acquisition of the American leader, D&P Incorporated, will allow Chargeurs to position itself as the world leader in the high-growth market of integrated solutions and visitor experience services for museums around the world by bringing on board:
• America’s largest integrated solutions platform for museums, set to generate full-year revenues of more than $45 million in 2020, with an operating margin of more than 10%;
• A robust and innovative team, led by the Barnwell family, which will continue to manage the company’s day to day operations;
• The United States’ iconic player in industrial services for museums, with a unique portfolio of achievements and a signed order book worth approximately $50 million, over one year of revenue;
• Chargeurs Technical Substrates becomes Chargeurs Museum Solutions.

Chargeurs Museum Solutions now has the most worldwide comprehensive offer in museum installation services working with the major institutions, the curators, the world’s most renowned architects and designers and will represent more than €100 million in full-year revenue. It will exceed two years ahead its revenue target with an EBITDA in full-year of more than 14% and a recurring operating profit of more than 10%.

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Sugestion de lecture : “Best of German Mittelstand” – The World Market Leaders

Le groupe Chargeurs vous invite à découvrir un livre qui a inspiré son histoire et la construction de son modèle économique. Ce mois-ci le live “Best of German Mittelstand – The World Market Leaders”.
S’inspirant du Mittelstand allemand, le groupe Chargeurs se distingue par une stratégie fortement innovatrice et internationale marquée par une transformation dynamique pour accélérer sa croissance rentable. Ce livre a contribué à façonner le modèle du Groupe qui repose sur des fondamentaux solides.

Relation client : le point de vue d’expert de Soon Yu

Soon Yu,  auteur de renommée mondale du livre Iconic Advantage, ancien directeur de l’innovation de VF Corporation, vous livre son point de vue technique sur les facteurs du succès du groupe Chargeurs.

« Toute entreprise qui réussit a pour objectif de développer des relations authentiques avec ses clients.  Cela ne peut se faire que lorsque les valeurs fondamentales et la mission de l’entreprise concordent avec les besoins des clients qu’elle sert.  Les travaux de recherche menés par CEB Inc. ont montré que la raison principale invoquée par 64 % des personnes ayant déclaré avoir une relation personnelle avec une marque était qu’elle partageait des ” valeurs communes “, et ce principe est clairement illustré par la relation que Chargeurs entretient avec ses clients.

Le sens du service client fait partie intégrante du système de valeurs de Chargeurs, ce qui  se traduit par leur mission : “peu importe où, quand et comment”.  Ce ne sont pas simplement des paroles vides de sens.  Et depuis 1872, c’est un mode de fonctionnement constant pour l’équipe des Chargeurs.

No matter when

Chargeurs est une société véritablement mondiale avec des bureaux, des usines et des centres de distribution répartis dans le monde entier. Cela lui permet de desservir plus de 90 pays sur tous les continents.

No matter where

Le fait d’avoir des bureaux dans plusieurs fuseaux horaires donne une disponibilité permanente.  Leur réactivité leur a permis de gagner la confiance de nombreuses marques et de clients, ce qui leur a valu une solide image de service personnalisé et de produits haut de gamme.

No matter how

Collaborer avec les plus grandes marques mondiales exige de réaliser des progrès et d’innover constamment. Au fil des années, Chargeurs a été à l’avant-garde des nouvelles normes industrielles et des innovations techniques, ce qui a donné lieu au dépôt de nombreux brevets et à de nombreux produits.

Les grandes marques sont bâties sur un socle de valeurs fondamentales qui prennent vie grâce à la cohérence des actions quotidiennes de leurs équipes.  Fort de cette cohérence, plus de 150 ans durant, vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que Chargeurs continue sur la même trajectoire pour les 150 prochaines années et au-delà ».

Comment le groupe Chargeurs se démarque

Maria Meco, responsable de Technical Design, client de Chargeurs*PCC Fashion Technologies

“Ce que j’apprécie le plus chez Chargeurs PCC, c’est leur disponibilité. J’ai souvent eu besoin de certains éléments alors que je me trouvais dans un pays étranger en plein milieu d’une usine, nous avions un problème urgent à résoudre, et voilà que j’appelle ou que j’envoie un courriel et en quelques minutes ou en quelques heures, on me propose une solution. Les matériaux peuvent transiter d’une usine à l’autre ou d’un pays à l’autre. Chargeurs PCC m’aide toujours à livrer en temps et en heure, et c’est quelque chose que l’on ne trouve nulle part ailleurs. Ce que j’aime dans ma collaboration avec la société, c’est qu’à tout moment je peux appeler quelqu’un du studio, et avoir au téléphone l’équipe basée à New York ou à l’étranger, et obtenir instantanément ce dont j’ai besoin. Surtout quand on travaille sur trois Etats et qu’on se sert du studio de New York, il est essentiel de faire fabriquer des échantillons en 24 ou 48 heures”.

Salem Benmamar, responsable des achats chez Miralu, cliente de Novacel, filiale de Chargeurs Protective Films

“Novacel est un fournisseur très fiable. La qualité de ses produits est toujours conforme. Ils répondent à nos exigences en termes de performance et de responsabilité. Les équipes de Novacel connaissent très bien nos besoins. En plus d’être très compétentes, elles sont toujours présentes et nous assurent un service très satisfaisant”.

Michael J. Rowan, Vice-Président chargé des Opérations chez SAS Graphic Supply USA, client de Chargeurs Technical Substrates

“SAS Graphics, fournisseur de l’industrie de l’impression depuis plus de 35 ans, continue à s’adapter et à évoluer en fonction des tendances du secteur tout en restant fidèle à ses précieux fournisseurs. Choisir les bonnes entreprises avec lesquelles s’associer est essentiel pour une réussite durable. SAS a choisi d’adopter l’approche d’équipe de Senfa pour se faire une place sur le marché de l’affichage souple. Ensemble, nous alignons nos objectifs, en fournissant des tissus haut de gamme aux imprimeurs haut de gamme. Qu’est-ce qui fait de Senfa un partenaire idéal ? Une R&D sans compromis, des produits de qualité supérieure et de fortes valeurs d’entreprise.  La capacité de tirer des leçons de ses expériences et de communiquer fait partie intégrante de toute relation d’affaires pérenne.  A notre avis, Senfa s’est engagé à atteindre ces objectifs tout comme nous”.

How we deal with our clients : our vision

Laurent Derolez, Managing Director of Chargeurs Protective Films

“In Chargeurs Protective Films, we consider each customer as a partner. Each customer has its own universe, with their own strategy, their own manufacturing assets, their own offers and their own customers. We care about them succeeding. Our priority is to listen to them. Then, our set of experts strive at making sure their production is perfect, reducing wastes and improving their quality, by providing them the right set of services and innovations.

Recently, sustainability appeared as a key component to our customers’ daily operations, aligning with our own strategy. Chargeurs Protective Films is fully committed to help them reduce their footprint through a complete set of offer: new performance with the Oxygen range and new services to help them recycle or reuse their wastes. Even more now, our customers are durable partners.”


Sampiero Lanfranchi, Directeur Général de Chargeurs Technical Substrates

“The new CTS strategy is fully focused on a better proximity with our markets and customers as well as on the quality of our services to always better meet their needs. Our R&D investments and the mastery of logistics chains enable us to position ourselves as a partner and advisor to the different stakeholders of the value chain.

We have perceived two main new trends. First, the ecological awareness of the value chain, which is looking for solutions that are increasingly respectful of the environment. CTS has always been on the forefront of CSR practices anticipating this market mutation. We have been able to surround ourselves with local suppliers to develop products coming from recycled materials that are themselves 100% recyclable. In the meantime, we promote upcycling and supply chain transparency through a traceability blockchain solution.

The second trend is centered on high-end customer experience. The creation of Chargeurs Creative Collection, a new network of experts in customized visual experiences, is a perfect response to this evolution. Through this unique structure in the world, we position ourselves as a partner and reference advisor to the world’s largest cultural institutions. We offer our expertise and operational capabilities to provide a complete range of services from project planning to the realization of innovative exhibitions and environments.”


Angela Chan, Managing Director of Chargeurs*PCC Fashion Technologies

The Chargeurs*PCC Fashion Technologies’ cultural pillar is customer obsession – “No Matter Where, No Matter When and No Matter How.” We breathe and practice our strategy daily to deliver total customer satisfaction experience.  Our sensibility of empathy and humility is how we relate to human interaction. We do not treat our customers as a sales transaction, but we genuinely care about achieving customer loyalty and satisfaction. At times our customer satisfaction is even more critical than our achievement of gross margin. Our iconic branding strategy has differentiated ourselves from our competition.  We have established ourselves at the forefront of the fashion stage as a star brand. We are a leader in our industry by providing our customers with sustainable and ethical sourcing, fashion forecasting, product innovations, and technological solutions.  We strive to reinforce the core of our culture and to deliver the utmost excellence.


Federico Paullier, Managing Director of Chargeurs Luxury Material

“At Chargeurs Luxury Materials our new business model is a game changer, as our clients are now also the final brands. We provide a solution of transparency and traceability to brand’s supply chains by offering Nativa branded wool and Blockchain Technology, certifying and assuring Animal Welfare, Corporate Social Responsibility, Land Management and Sustainability – at every stage. This is also a challenge as it means we need to provide an unparalleled service to our historical clients (spinners and weavers) more than ever: they become our partners in this new strategy. As we grow Nativa as an iconic brand, we will continue focusing on our customers, with integrity, reliability and trust.”

Amazing Stories

Nespresso : a filter-less story!

Do you dig coffee?

Then you’ll like Chargeurs. Thanks to 45 years of expertise in the production of self-adhesive films that protect fragile surfaces, Chargeurs Protective Films guarantees the integrity of the drip grids of Nespresso coffee machines by applying a protective film, which must be removed after the first use.

These films are 100% recyclable and are covered by two series of patents: Low Noise, optimized for operators, and Lean range, optimized to reduce the impact of CO² emissions.

These films, produced in the Novacel plant in Rouen, France, have outstanding conformability and can drive down the scrap rate, as part of a sustainable production approach. Customers can thus purchase a signature coffee machine in the Nespresso range with complete peace of mind: their machine will be in perfect condition. What else?


From Milan to New York, we deliver no matter where, when or how

Did you know that we produce specialized interlining solutions for major high fashion runway shows, super Hollywood movie stars, and celebrities?  Alessandro De Luca, COO of Alberta Ferretti, called us one morning panicking to complete a unique dress for Lady Gaga, and he must fly with the dress to New York that afternoon. Our Milano office drove immediately to Alessandro’s office with various types of interlining solutions and solve the production problem.  (The drive was 4 hours from our office).  We were able to deliver the solution, solved his production issue, and Alessandro was able to catch his flight to New York and give the dress to Lady Gaga.

Sylvester Stallone was attending the Cannes Film Festival in 2019 and had a special tux made by our partner customer, Ralph Lauren.  We immediately overnighted the materials into Cannes from all over the world. We worked with Ralph Lauren to tackle the issue and was able to tailor-make the tuxedo in 24 hours.

We care about our customers’ happiness.  We deliver no matter where, no matter when and no matter how. We are here to celebrate our customers’ success.

Our commitment to people

Yves Wuyts, Sales Manager for the Benelux countries and UK at Novacel, a subsidiary of Chargeurs Protective Films

“Whether we are dealing with small or large accounts, we listen to our customers in support of their projects. Ongoing discussions with customers are a strength that enables us to design new innovations specifically tailored to their needs. The development of a low-noise range of products, in partnership with Rockwool, a major player in the composite board market, is proof of our close collaboration. One year of discussions have enabled us to develop this product dedicated to the protection of matt inside panels, representing a market of 1.5M square meter.

For 2020, we are assisting Deceunink, a market leader in window frames, in devising a global sourcing and brand standardization strategy for the European market. Next March, we will finalize a support offer intended for their Polish, German and French sites based on a product suited to their expectations. Several million square meter are on the line!”


Joel Lim, VP of Technical Services – Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies

“I’ve been with Chargeurs PCC for over 22 years.  I have built partnerships with my colleagues and our clients. Each client is different and has specific needs and requirements. The challenge comes into play when I need to execute their vision by recommending appropriate products and solutions. Knowledge is not innate but acquired. Regular interaction with clients results into an exchange of ideas and information. Fashion is always changing. New fabrics are being developed with enhanced performance. To provide technical solutions and reinforce our collaboration with clients, we established our Innovation Lab in the heart of New York’s Fashion Avenue District. The Lab serves as a workshop and an incubator to experiment application of our products in conjunction with the client’s design and concepts. I encourage my clients to visit our Innovation Lab to create, test, and innovate.  The Chargeurs PCC Innovation Lab not only provides the ultimate customer experience, but it is the power to the future of our business.”


Thomas Dreyfus, US Sales Manager for Senfa, a subsidiary of Chargeurs Technical Substrates

“As Senfa’s sales manager, Europe’s leading woven digital printing media company, I was able in 2019 to participate in the development of the US business. By building up a collaboration based on a partnership model with our customers and regional distributors, Senfa has developed market-tailored products. One of our products, Sublimis, was even voted Product of the Year at the SGIA show in Las Vegas. This makes it possible to print using water-based inks, which are less polluting than UV-based ones.

In 2020, we will pursue our efforts and replicate these successes on the West Coast and in Canada, where we have strong ambitions and good growth prospects thanks to reliable partners that share Senfa’s ambitions and values.”

The way we make the difference

Maria Meco, Senior Director of Technical Design, client of Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies

“What I appreciate about Chargeurs PCC is that people are always available. I’ve had many times when I’ve needed something in a foreign country in the middle of a factory and we have an issue, and low and behold I call or email and within minutes or hours I have a resolution. Materials get moved from one factory to another or from one country to another. Chargeurs PCC is always helping to keep my deliveries on time and that something you don’t find anywhere else. What I love about working with the company is that at any moment I can call someone in the studio, I can be speaking to the team in New York or overseas, and I get what I need instantly. Especially with being in the tri-state area and leveraging the New York studio, getting swatches made up within a day or so has been critical to our business.”

Salem Benmamar, Purchasing Manager at Miralu, client of Novacel, a subsidiary of Chargeurs Protective Films:

“Novacel is a highly reliable supplier. The quality of its products is always consistent. They meet our requirements in terms of performance and product liability. The Novacel teams know precisely what we need. In addition to being highly skilled, they are always on call and deliver a highly satisfactory service.”

Michael J. Rowan, V.P. Operations at SAS Graphic Supply USA, client of Chargeurs Technical Substrates

“SAS Graphics, suppliers to the printing industry for 35+ years, continues to adapt and change to industry trends while remaining loyal and true to its valued suppliers. Choosing the right companies to partner with is vital to sustainable success. SAS has chosen to embrace Senfa’s Team Approach to impact the soft signage market. Together, our goals align, providing high end fabrics to quality printers. What makes Senfa a good partner? Uncompromised R&D, superior products and strong company values makes Senfa a good partner to SAS.  The ability to learn from experiences and communicate are integral components in any lasting relationship. We see Senfa as committed to these goals much like us.”

The expert view from Soon Yu, International Speaker and Award-winning Author of Iconic Advantage®

Soon Yu, world renowned author of the Iconic Advantage book, former director of innovation at VF Corporation, gives you his technical view on the key success factors of Chargeurs.

“The goal for any successful organization is to develop an authentic relationship with their customers.  This can only be done when the core values and mission align with the needs of those they serve.  Research conducted by CEB Inc. found that out of all the people who said they had a relationship with a brand, 64% claimed that “shared values” was the primary reason. And this tenet is clearly demonstrated by Chargeurs’ relationship with their customers.

Being “customer centric” is core to Chargeurs’ value system and is manifested in their mission of “No matter when, no matter where, no matter how.”  This isn’t just a set of hollow platitudes.  And since 1872, this has been a consistent way of life for the Chargeurs’ team.

No Matter Where

Chargeurs is a truly global company with offices, factories and distributions hubs dotted around the world.  This allows them to service over 90 countries across every major continent.

No Matter When

Having offices in multiple time zones means that they are always available.  Their responsiveness has allowed them to gain the trust of many brands and customers which has led to a strong reputation for personalized service and top-quality products.

No Matter How

Working with the world’s largest brands requires constant progress and innovation. Over the years, Chargeurs has been at the forefront for new industry standards and technical innovations, resulting in many patents and products.

Great brands are built on a foundation of core values that are brought to life through the consistent day-to-day actions of its team.  With over 150 years of consistency, expect Chargeurs to deliver this for the next 150 years and beyond.”